Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bloody "SHITTY" Wednesday!

Shitty it sure was tonight. We came out from the cinema, walking for more than half an hour looking for the car. Apparently the ticket says P2 but the car was in P1. Yup, thats mid valley parking lot for everyone. So in future, just remember where you park and come down the same way you went up. The safest bet, avoid the lift, just take the escalator.

But SHITTY Wednesday did not end with us looking for the car. It was literally shitty! When we finally managed to locate the car, there was an awful stench within the parking lot. Yes, it was a burst pipe from perhaps one of the toilet and shitty water and SHIT all over the parking lot surrounding my car! Great I thought! How shitty can a nice night a pool of shit, that was how it ended. Disgusting, I just cannot believe a fancy mall like the Gardens can have shit spilling out from the ceiling of its parking lot. Sophisticated buildings..phuieee.. Worst was when we tried to get into the car. I stepped into a pool of stinky water and May slipped and fell on chunks of shit! The rest, you can figure. Instead of coming home to a nice comfy bed, we spent another hour cleaning up the car and getting rid of the horrid smell and experience we had tonight.

The Gardens for you..mid valley...FULL OF SHIT MALL!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

SEVEN POUNDS on a rainy day...

SEVEN POUNDS - an empowering movie. A story about a man called Tim Thomas, who to a tragic accident in his life, to losing his love went from Tim to Ben, found love again and gave it all for love. It may sound cliche but the director - Gabrielle Muccino did a fantastic job. His work actually left me in tears and thinking about how my life is and how grateful I should be. Its been a while since a movie had such an effect on me. Having Will Smith play the part was the reason I wanted to see the movie badly but, after watching it, there were no regrets.

Sometimes I wonder...everyday we chase our dreams and try to sustain the life we seek. And in that process, we forget and leave many things we love behind. The selfishness overcomes everything until tragedy puts us back into reality. I sometimes forget and sometimes I act foolishly especially to the ones I love dearly. Perhaps it is time I find some time to reflect and learn to appreciate everything I have.

Seven Pounds, a movie everyone must watch.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Smiley Moon. A rare phenomenon when the moon decides to develop a face - a pair of sparkling bright eyes and one hell of a smile. The moon - Jupiter - Venus...
It was the first of December of 2008, I fell asleep again on my super mini ikea sofa. Eventhough the sofa is super mini, I still cannot resist lying on it. Neither can the cats, especially alien who insist on a spot in the far corner.
It was on this lovely night when May got a call from a friend who asked both of us to look out the window and check out the moon. There it was, the moon bright as ever and with its two sparkling eyes. Of course we rushed for the camera and for the best angle. Who wont! While May was busy snapping away, I was busy smsing everyone - "Look up to the moon, its smiling!"
I was glad I lived to see the moon smile. It certainly made all of us smile in our hearts...if the moon can afford to smile, why not us?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Satelite Teddy

Teddy. A tri-colour calico cat. Also known as teddy-meneddy or at one time - SATELITE TEDDY. Found crying on the streets looking for a mommy.
A year and a half ago, teddy was found by May who immediately fell in love with this 'raccon' eyed kitty. The story was, May found her on her way back from work and seeing the little kitty lost and pretty sad looking, she brought the poor thing home. Everywhere she goes, Teddy would follow, carried in a small pouch/bag.
All grown up, Teddy made a silly mistake that caused her mommy to worry. She decided to jump out the window of the 2nd floor and got herself in a bit of trouble. Raped by tom cats and probably harmed by others, we found her hiding and shivering in the dark under the stairs of the apartment. Upon hearing our voices, she came out and cried. I looked at May, I that moment how she felt. But all I could do was to just help to pick Teddy up and hug her close to my chest.
Teddy was rushed to our favourite lady vets. There we opt for teddy to go through some x-rays and a mini operation. That how she got her new name - Satelite Teddy.
Why the name, well the picture says it all. The phone connection in my apartment is usually terrible. But somehow since Teddy got her satelite collar, my connection improved and I got to chat on the phone with no interruptions. Nowadays, I no longer have to sit in a locked position or hang around the windows, I am free from worrying whether halfway through my conversations if the line will get cut off. Its so much easier now with a satelite in place.
Do not get me wrong. The collar did come off after 2 weeks. So far, the connection is still good! Until the next time if the line gets all wacked again, Teddy is free from being our satelite....


Lonchang, a bottled orange or sarsi flavoured drink that is less fizzy than other carbonated drinks, and bottled in a brown coloured bottle that looks like our 'bottle kicap', or also known as soya sauce. Mainly found in 'kampung' areas.

It was after bringing the bunch of crazy 8 student attachment to our maritime academy in melaka, when we stumbled upon this drink. The first mention of the name Lonchang, some of us were unsure what the lady was saying. To us, it sounded alien..some of us even heard she said 'loncat' (jump). To me, seeing the bottle brought back nostalgic memories. I can still recall the stories my mom use to tell about this famous fuzzy drink she and her friends used to drink as kids. Surprisingly they still serve the famous Lonchang.

From the academy, it was only a 20 mins drive to the beach of Pengkalan Balak. Somewhere around 5 to 10 mins away from my moms hometown. Passing by the village, I caught a glimpse of my gradfathers' house. I thought to myself and wondered how was the old man doing? I know he has asked for me a few times but, why is it hard for me to gather myself and pay him a visit. Was it fear? Or was it just pure ole procrastination? I do hope to visit him soon...I do.

Its nice to see that some people preserve the traditions. For me, to again taste the flavours of the Lonchang...i suddenly felt like I was the little girl again who used to run to the small hut behind my grandfathers house. There, me and my cousins bought our treats, from chikadees, din dang to lonchang. And if my memory serves me, it only used to cost us less than RM2.00 for all the fun we had. The good ole days..................

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

In Loving Memory of Hanum..14 Oct 2008

Yesterday, as I was happily chatting away on the phone, intending to park my car, I saw a dog lying on its side infront of my apartment block. The dog looked familiar but deep inside I was just wishing its not Hanum. Next to him was this chubby girl, she was there squatting next to the dog. As I drove past to park my car, I felt sick in the was Hanum and he looked badly injured. Quietly to myself I thought, not again..not another tragic accident.

Frantically I dashed out of my car, scaring the chubby girl and her friends. Asking her "what happened..what happened? What happened to Hanum?" Poor girl, she was shocked too, plus they saw with their own eyes everything that took place. Apparently, Hanum had fallen from his owner's 5th floor apartment. I looked up and then turned to look at Hanum, I just pat his head and tried to calm the poor doggie. His mouth was bleeding, the fall must have caused him termendous pain that he urinated and defecate all over himself. And all this while, he was so quiet and just breathing was just so painful to watch him. He really looked like he didnt stand a chance, not after that long fall down.

"Where is the uncle? His owner is the one in the read iswara. Go knock his door, see if someone is home! Do they know their dog fell out the window?", I told the chubby girl.

She answered "I dont know, I dont see the car. But he fell from just happened", while pointing at the window above.

I was angry..angry that this kind of incident can happen to such a wonderful dog. What is wrong with these people. Why did they allow the dog to perch near the window, why did they open the window? Why do they keep dogs when they live on the 5th floor..why why why? But it has happened, Hanum is lying on his side, in pain covered with urine and blood. What can I do... suddenly a young teenage girl came running screaming. "its my dog..its my dog!". She was crying while patting Hanum's head. It made me feel sicker in the stomach, poor girl I know exactly how she feels.

"Where is your dad? Can you call him?", I asked her.

"He went to pick up my mom and I left my phone upstairs", she replied.

"Its ok, use my phone and call him. Let him know and quickly take Hanum to the vet. I have made some calls and arranged for them to be on standby", I reassured the young girl while handing her my phone.

She managed to get hold of her dad. Fortunately he was nearby. By the way he drove and parked his car, I knew he too was very concern and shocked. The poor uncle, he didnt know what to do, I could see that he was just sad. He picked Hanum's weak body up and gently placed him in his car. Father and daughter sped of to beat the traffic to send Hanum to the vet. I watched them drive off, in my heart I pray that Hanum will make it, but in truth I know he was just waiting for his owner to come home to say goodbye. That night in the rain, I found out Hanum had died on the way to the vet.

I still remember the first time I saw Hanum. This skinny stray emacipated dog, probably from days of unsuccesful scavanging for food. He was so frail but very trusting, especially towards a stranger. Feeling sad from seeing the condition he was in, I fed him with cat food. That was all I had. He was so hungry but he always showed his appreciation. Hanum had won my heart. But I didnt have a place for him, I already have two cats at home. Hanum being a sweet doggie, he managed to convince uncle Ziz to adopt him. Hanum had found a home. From a hungry unwanted stray, Hanum had become a new member of a loving family.

Every morning I would see the uncle take Hanum for their morning walks. It was nice to see that he was doing well and happy. Hanum never hurt a single cat in the area and never once he would bark at us or showed any signs of aggresiveness. He was a wondeful dog. Seeing him in the morning was a pleasure and when I dont see him for the day, I panic.

Uncle used to tell me, "he loves sleeping on your door mat, he practically worships the ground you walk on".

Hanum, a sweet gentle brown dog with sensitive and kind eyes. Me and my friends called him Hanum, when we couldnt think of any other name that rhymed with mine. His owner called him Puppy. Whatever his name was, he will always be that sweet stray that caught my heart the first time I saw him. He will always be our Hanum...

I pray he goes to doggie heaven and hope its better there for him than it ever was in this cruel world.

God..please take care of Hanum...

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Cup a Day, Brings Joy to the Day!

Coffee is the best thing ever created. Its the only good thing that the americans ever did for anyone. I know Bush would disagree but yes I is the only good thing.

I ran out of my regular 'Aik Cheongs', those 2 in 1 types where you just drop the sachet into your mug and pour hot water into it and wallah! coffee is ready maam. So this time, instead of my uncle AC coffee, I decided to give the old infamous hero 'Kopi Hang Tuah' a go. It was a tough decision, between the blue pack or the the end, I went for the green. I dont know why, maybe because my mama used to drink the green pack. But those days, HT used to be just the coffee powder but even they know its time to progress and have a 2 in 1 version.

To add the thrill of drinking my HT coffee, I took my mom's golden teapot..hold on, not a teapot, its a....hmm...'mini kettle'. Dropped two sachets of HT and poured the water in and wallah! coffee for two that you can share with your love one. Not bad this infamous Hang Tuah, maybe the aroma is not as seductive as uncle AK but, the taste was smoother. hmm...yummy, especially when you accompany it with chocolate brown fudge brownie cookies heated for 10 to 12 seconds!

Talking about coffee, did you know that you can actually taste coffee using the same process as wine tasting. Using a french press you pour the coffee and water in and let it brew for about 4 minutes. And then you pour it in a cup, swirl it and place the cup near your nose and enhale. Smell the aroma, taste the flavour through your senses. If your nose if functioning as it should, you could even smell the berries or other mixtures in the coffee. Delicious! Then you take a sip and do the gargle (not like when you are using listerning ok) and let the coffee swirl in your mouth. Then you swallow and enjoy the after taste. This is when you can taste the body of the coffee. Whether its mild, bold or medium bold. To add more fun, eat a small piece of chocolate cake or mousse and wash it down with coffee. hmm...then you will experience a new taste to it. Some may even taste minty!

Ahh.. coffee, the drinks of gods in heaven. heheh..too much may not be good for you but minimum doses can keep your heart beating a few more years. Plus, when you sip that first sip, it eliminates any annoying noise coming from those so called need to be incinerated homosapiens.

A cup a day, brings joy to the day!

XOXO Longkang Cat